Social Media Targeting LAWs Killer Robots, autonomous weapons, jade II, jade helm16, super soldiers, AI, AGI, LAWs, HSCOI, mastering the human domain Social Media Targeting…
Neural Monitoring Can Have Your Brain Testify Against You neural monitoring brain testify against you Presented in conjunction with TIME Published on Jan 23, 2016…
Creating Human Hive Minds with BMIs Published October 9, 2015 Creating human hive minds. Connecting and Transmitting the Mechanics and Content of Human Minds In…
Brain Maps New Biometrics Published October 14, 2015 Brain maps new biometrics. Fingerprints, iris scans and other unique personal identifiers soon to be replaced by…
Transcendence Resurrecting the Dead Transcendence resurrecting the dead. Published December 17, 2015 In the quest for eternal life, tech giants like Google are exploring ways…
US DoD Patent Remote Brain Monitoring and Manipulation Patent # 3951134 – Explained US DoD patent remote brain monitoring and manipulation. Research Links: US Patent…
US DoD Patent Remote BCI – Brain Computer Interface Patent # 6011991 Explained US DoD Patent Remote BCI explained. Research Links: US Patent Office Letter…
Remote MK Ultra Remote MK Ultra. Research Links: US Patent Office Letter from Russell Tice – NSA Whistleblower Remote Neural Monitoring Oregon State Hospital President’s…