5G Ground Based Web System Barbara Johnson, an electrical engineer and star wars tactician, discusses 5G weaponized frequencies and the dangers of this unproven and…
US Testing Basic Minimum Income Model Global Unemployment to Skyrocket Published June 16, 2016 In an attempt to quell a global insurgence arising from massive…
Big Brother Just Got Bigger Mass Data Collection & Surveillance Google would put ‘Big Brother’ in Orwell’s 1984 to shame. The NSA isn’t just collecting…
Social Media Targeting LAWs Killer Robots, autonomous weapons, jade II, jade helm16, super soldiers, AI, AGI, LAWs, HSCOI, mastering the human domain Social Media Targeting…
Social Media Targeting For LAWs: Killer Robots Social Media Targeting LAWs Killer Robots, autonomous weapons, jade II, jade helm16, super soldiers, AI, AGI, LAWs, HSCOI,…
Links: Transhumanism: Consciousness in AI: AI Singularity CONVERGENCE: The Day After AI Singularity In an age where technology is playing an ever increasing role in…
singularity Stephen Wolfram is a distinguished scientist, inventor, author, and business leader, is Founder & CEO, Wolfram Research; Creator, Mathematica, Wolfram|Alpha & the Wolfram Language;…