5G Nano Tech and Downloadable Vaccines The technology already exists to transfer emotions, brain maps and DNA/RNA code and embed it into individuals or groups…
Weaponized Mycoplasma What Doesn’t Kill You Will Permanently Disable You Weaponized mycoplasma is a bio weapon designed to achieve a soft kill of the population…
singularity Stephen Wolfram is a distinguished scientist, inventor, author, and business leader, is Founder & CEO, Wolfram Research; Creator, Mathematica, Wolfram|Alpha & the Wolfram Language;…
Basic Income A Bridge To ‘The Great Decoupling’ basic minimum sustainable income Basic income. The ‘Great Decoupling’ is underway in the form of Artificial General…
world without work A World Without Work Will Arise From the Exponential Expansion Of Automation Running AGI The great decoupling is underway. The exponential advancements…
Lithium Population Control Experiment in Oregon Target Females Lithium population control experiment Oregon target female. Links: NASA heliophysicist admits “chemtrails” are real, Lithium being sprayed…
Basic Minimum Sustainable Income | Utopia or Captivity The 4th Industrial Revolution Presented by: Singularity basic minimum sustainable income Published on Jan 23, 2016 Credit: …
Emotional Intelligence in AI AEI (Artificial Emotional Intelligence) Presented by: World Economic Forum Emotional intelligence in AI AEI Published on January 22, 2016 Credit: William…