PENTAGON: Social Media Will Be Used For Targeting People In New Autonomous Warfare Theater

Social Media Targeting LAWs Killer Robots

Social Media Targeting LAWs Killer Robots, autonomous weapons, jade II, jade helm16, super soldiers, AI, AGI, LAWs, HSCOI, mastering the human domain

Social Media Targeting Will Be Used By ‘LAWs’ Killer Robots

Social Media Targeting LAWs Killer Robots, autonomous weapons, jade II, jade helm16, super soldiers, AI, AGI, LAWs, HSCOI, mastering the human domain

Social Media Targeting LAWs Killer Robots, autonomous weapons, jade II, jade helm16, super soldiers, AI, AGI, LAWs, HSCOI, mastering the human domain

Social Media Targeting LAWs Killer Robots, autonomous weapons, jade II, jade helm16, super soldiers, AI, AGI, LAWs, HSCOI, mastering the human domain


2016 DoD Human Systems Roadmap Review – HSCOI  [53 pages]

The “JADE” in Jade Helm 15 is an A.I. Software Program  

IMPACT: First DoD Lab Day Shows Off Warfighter Technology

USAF: Advancing the Science and Acceptance of Autonomy for Future Defense Systems [not for publication until cleared for release] – 14 pages .pdf

Army looks to robots as trusted squad members

HTS Wasn’t Exactly Defunded in 2014, It was repackaged

Trident Juncture15:  Experiment in Social Media Exploitation and Propaganda

The Pentagon is building a ‘self-aware’ killer robot army fueled by social media  ‘Insurge Intelligence’

AI Operating On The GIG = Global C2 System

DoD Innovative Marketplace [strategy & solicitation hub]

DARPA: Creating the Ultimate Super Soldier With Brain Implants 

Creating Human Hive Minds | Total C2 System

DARPA’s RAM Program  [3 pages]

Obama’s Brain Mapping Initiative – A Means to an End

ATP 3-90.15 | Site Exploitation Planning & ABI  [142 pages]

US DoD Patents for RNM & Creating Hybrid Soldiers  [33 pages]

The History of JADE II: Planetary Conquest By a Global A.I. Warfare System 


XO-HPC-National Strategic Computing Initiative

Social Media Targeting LAWs Killer Robots, autonomous weapons, jade II, jade helm16, super soldiers, AI, AGI, LAWs, HSCOI, mastering the human domain

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