SIKH MASSACRE | A Storm Is Coming

Sikh massacre a storm is coming

Sikh Massacre | A Storm Is Coming

Sikh massacre a storm is coming.

Published August 7, 2012

Hours after the Sikh massacre, the media and eyewitnesses accounts of the incident are 180 degrees apart, just like the Aurora, CO incident.  The similarities are more than coincidental.  In both cases the eyewitnesses accounts indicate multiple shooters while the media reports ‘Lone Gunman’ scenario.  Both suspects had ties to the military phys-ops.  Both shooters used semi-automatic weapons however, in this incident the media made a point to state that THIS firearm was legally REGISTERED….you know where this is going.  The Pentagon just released a statement correcting media reports that the shooter was dishonorably discharged, he was not.

Research Links:
What You Need to Know About the Wisconsin Temple Shooting:
Foreign ‘jihadi’ fighters reported in Syria
Al-Qaeda Jihadists are the Best Fighters among the Syria Rebels
Al-Qaeda Directs Free Syrian Army in Controlled Demolition of Syria
AlQeada Infiltrating Syrian Opposition With US Supporting
Domestic Terrism in Wisconsin:  Another WHITE Male Hate-Filled Crime
Sikh Temple Shooting:  What You Need To Know About the Wisconsin Massacre
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Sikh massacre a storm is coming. Hours after the Sikh massacre, the media and eyewitnesses accounts of the incident are 180 degrees apart, just like the Aurora, CO incident.  The similarities are more than coincidental.  In both cases the eyewitnesses accounts indicate multiple shooters while the media reports ‘Lone Gunman‘ scenario.  Both suspects had ties to the military phys-ops.  Both shooters used semi-automatic weapons however, in this incident the media made a point to state that THIS firearm was legally REGISTERED….you know where this is going.  The Pentagon just released a statement correcting media reports that the shooter was dishonorably discharged, he was not.

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