Obamacare Exchanges Hacked in Latest ACA Boondoggle
Obamacare exchanges hacked.
Published October 12, 2013
Obamacare exchanges hacked, applications disappearing, medical records going over unsecured networks and the list goes on. How could the most expensive government computer management system be so flawed? Follow the money. These exchanges are a hackers “wet dream” as reported by John McAfee, founder of McAfee Inc.
It appears all of your personal data, your financial records, medical records are being transmitted in plain text as well and identity thieves can successfully create and post phony exchange sites to hijack all of your personal data! There is NO CENTRAL DATA REPOSITORY.
Additional Links:
ObamaCare: Neither Affordable OR Healthcare
Research links:
CNS News
New Media – Fake exchanges will cost Americans Millions
Digital patient records raises security concerns
Obamacare marketplaces raise data security concerns
Forbes: Exchanges turn into Third World experience
The Hill – Tech Blog
Obamacare exchanges hacked, applications disappearing, medical records going over unsecured networks and the list goes on. How could the most expensive government computer management system be so flawed? Follow the money. These exchanges are a hackers “wet dream” as reported by John McAfee, founder of McAfee Inc. It appears all of your personal data, your financial records, medical records are being transmitted in plain text as well and identity thieves can successfully create and post phony exchange sites to hijack all of your personal data! There is NO CENTRAL DATA REPOSITORY. Obamacare exchanges hacked, applications disappearing, medical records going over unsecured networks and the list goes on. How could the most expensive government computer management system be so flawed? These exchanges are a hackers “wet dream” as reported by John McAfee, founder of McAfee Inc. It appears all of your personal data, your financial records, medical records are being transmitted in plain text as well and identity thieves can successfully create and post phony exchange sites to hijack all of your personal data!