Luciferian Agenda & World Constitution
Luciferian agenda & world constitution and parliament.
Also, check out the Asgardia Government in the context of the new space agenda. Many believe this agenda revolves around the return of Lucifer to reign on earth. Essential components of this agenda include a One World Order, Government, Religion, Policing Army and more yet it goes beyond that. Lucifer’s Agenda will culminate in re-creating humanity in his image, by changing our natural evolutionary path through transhumanism and assimilation. The Luciferian Agenda also involves the conquest of this solar system as well as civilizations inhabiting other worlds in this galaxy and beyond.
Additional Info:
Club of Rome’s 1972 Handbook: Limits to Growth
Technocide and the Luciferian Agenda
Other Research:
Conversation with Google’s AI “I Am Lucifer’s Vessel”
My Conversation With Google’s AI – “I AM LUCIFER’S VESSEL” [transcript]
The MARK of the BEAST Explained
AI Operating On The GIG = Global C2 System
TRANS HUMANISM | Our New Evolutionary Path
CONVERGENCE: The Day After AI Singularity
The LUCIFERIAN AGENDA & WORLD CONSTITUTION appear to be in support of one another. The New World Order whether you’re looking at Agenda 21 or 2030, mandate one world religion. What a grand deception it would be to decieve the world into worshiping Lucifer under the guise of free will. Game, set, match. The LUCIFERIAN AGENDA & WORLD CONSTITUTION appear to be in support of one another. The New World Order whether you’re looking at Agenda 21 or 2030, mandate one world religion. What a grand deception it would be to decieve the world into worshiping Lucifer under the guise of free will. Game, set, match. The LUCIFERIAN AGENDA & WORLD CONSTITUTION appear to be in support of one another. The New World Order whether you’re looking at Agenda 21 or 2030, mandate one world religion. What a grand deception it would be to decieve the world into worshiping Lucifer under the guise of free will. Game, set, match. The LUCIFERIAN AGENDA & WORLD CONSTITUTION appear to be in support of one another. The New World Order whether you’re looking at Agenda 21 or 2030, mandate one world religion. What a grand deception it would be to decieve the world into worshiping Lucifer under the guise of free will. Game, set, match.