IR#06: Insanity of Civilization

Insanity of civilization

Insanity of Civilization…Embracing Our Own Enslavement

Published December 27, 2012     Insanity of civilization

Another IDIOCRACY REPORT brought to you by Level9News

There is a deliberate design going on to suppress humanity and keep our consciousness stagnant and disconnected from our true state of total awareness.  As more and more of us are waking up, we are seeing with crystal clarity that the fundamental elements of our civilization…those institutions that have been put in place to dictate the meme in which we are to function in society are not only inherently flawed, but are designed to repress our conscious development or awakening.

The paradoxical nature of institutions our civilizations are built on are fundamentally flawed.  Work, buy, consume, die…that is the main purpose our existence which has been deliberately designed for us by the PTBs.


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The insanity of civilization is that we have continually embraced those institutions and governments whose purpose is to enslave us and suppress us from reaching our potential as sentient, conscious beings. There is a deliberate design going on to suppress civilization and stagnate our own development by keeping civilization in a state of insanity.  This is the insanity of civilization.  The insanity of civilization is that we have continually embraced those institutions and governments whose purpose is to enslave us and suppress us from reaching our potential as sentient, conscious beings.

There is a deliberate design going on to suppress civilization and stagnate our own development by keeping civilization in a state of insanity.  This is the insanity of civilization.   The insanity of civilization is that we have continually embraced those institutions and governments whose purpose is to enslave us and suppress us from reaching our potential as sentient, conscious beings.  There is a deliberate design going on to suppress civilization and stagnate our own development by keeping civilization in a state of insanity.  This is the insanity of civilization.


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