Gas Riots In Mexico Being Tied to Trump’s Wall
Gas riots in Mexico are not getting much attention on the MSM. Although Mexico’s president, Enrique Pena Nieto publicly claimed in front of the media that these increases were due to the “international market” – and I may add, not the collusion and corruption within Pemex Oil, Mexico’s largest supplier of gas in the country, and his neo-fascist government. Like here in the US, Mexico’s government is beholden to the corporations and of course, the drug cartels.
Published January 14, 2017
Pena Nieto effigy BURNS in heated Ciudad #Juarez protest
Protests at Juarez border crossing
Reactions contrast sharply on President Nieto’s visit to Juarez
Additional info:
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Gas riots in Mexico are not getting much attention on the MSM. President Nieto’s public statement on the cause differs from his private statements on local media in Juarez where he expressed much ado over the wall. Gas riots in Mexico have been painted by politicians a result of Trump’s administration and the economic hardships it will befall on Mexico. Gas riots in Mexico are the result of the people of this and many other county’s peoples recognizing the lies of their media and government. Gas riots in Mexico are not getting much attention on the MSM. President Nieto’s public statement on the cause differs from his private statements on local media in Juarez where he expressed much ado over the wall. Gas riots in Mexico have been painted by politicians a result of Trump’s administration and the economic hardships it will befall on Mexico. Gas riots in Mexico are the result of the people of this and many other county’s peoples recognizing the lies of their media and government.