Posted By: DJ
February 16, 2016
Changing The Human Terrain For The Needs of Government
GeoINT: Creating a Global C2 System
Obama Issues Orwellian Executive Order
Amerika: The Final Solution
JADE HELM: “MASTERING THE HUMAN DOMAIN”-1033 Program & Exec Order 13684
2017 Budget technocracy
President’s Request Invests in Department of Justice Criminal Justice Priorities, Including National
Security, Cyber Security, Smart on Crime, Building Community Trust, Among Other Priority
Initiatives. See reports on the 1033 Program & XO13684….21st century policing of America.
President Obama’s FY 2017 Budget proposal totals $29 billion for the Department of Justice to
support federal law enforcement priorities and the criminal justice priorities of our state, local and
tribal law enforcement partners. All law will become federal with no distinction or sovereign
indoctrination of states rights. This will allow for a federal policing authority as well as federal
justice priorities and mandates. The request represents a comprehensive investment in the Justice
mission and includes increases in funding for countering violent extremism and other national
security areas, civil rights and advancing equality under the law, Smart on Crime activities, including
increased funds for prisoner reentry initiatives and other key enforcement initiatives. “Violent
Extremism” is not defined, therefore open to interpretation down the road. Same goes for those
areas to be deemed ‘national security’. There will be no civil rights, only those rights granted to you
by the state as long as you don’t act, speak or protest against it. Smart on crime is a deceptive way
of saying AI driven systems will identify, target and eliminate those the state determines to be
Expressions of free speech, peaceful dissent and demands for redress of grievances will
be considered crimes under a totalitarian regime. Community policing is another form of “see
something, say something”. Total control with all eyes on the members of your community.
America is moving toward the rise of the Fourth Reich.
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