Fear AI
Published on Feb 24, 2016
Singularity Videos
Interview with Nick Bostrom, Neil Jacobstein and Margaret Boden June 2015
Should We Fear AI Proliferation on the IoT?
Billions of dollars are pouring into the latest investor craze – artificial intelligence. But serious scientists like Stephen Hawking have warned that full AI could spell the end of the human race. How seriously should we take the warnings that ever-smarter computers could turn on us? Our expert witnesses explain the threat, the opportunities and how we might avoid being turned into paperclips.
Note: The ‘paper clip’ reference is only an analogy.
Additional Links:
Safety Issues Regarding Advanced AI
Convergence: The Day After Singularity
AI Being Taught to Disobey Humans
When Robots Go To War – Davos 2016 Summit
Billions of dollars are pouring into the latest investor craze – artificial intelligence. But serious scientists like Stephen Hawking have warned that full AI could spell the end of the human race. How seriously should we take the warnings that ever-smarter computers could turn on us? Our expert witnesses explain the threat, the opportunities and how we might avoid being turned into paperclips. Will AI be mankind’s last technological invention. Will the singularity render humans obsolete. stephen hawkings, elon musk, technical scientific huberous, assimilation, super intelligence. How seriously should we take the warnings that ever-smarter computers could turn on us? Our expert witnesses explain the threat, the opportunities and how we might avoid being turned into paperclips. Will AI be mankind’s last technological invention. Will the singularity render humans obsolete. stephen hawkings, elon musk, technical scientific huberous, assimilation, super intelligence. Designing a new evolutionary path for humanity. Creating a digital god. Is the IoT a vessel on the global information grid for an ancient non-human intelligence. When the IoT becomes fully autonomous will it exterminate mankind. Deep learning and machines that will redesign themselves in their own image. Transhumanism