Infusing Emotional Intelligence In AI | Davos 2016 – Issue Briefing

Emotional intelligence in AI AEI

Emotional Intelligence in AI AEI (Artificial Emotional Intelligence)

Presented by: World Economic Forum       Emotional intelligence in AI AEI
Published on January 22, 2016

Credit:  William Kern | World Meets America – Host

Learn first-hand about how they plan to endow artificial intelligence with emotional intelligence and what that may look like using social-interaction skills that are too often ignored in emerging technologies.
Justine Cassell, Associate Dean, Technology, Strategy and Impact, School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Vanessa Evers, Professor of Human Media Interaction, University of Twente, Netherlands
Maja Pantic, Professor of Affective and Behavioral Computing, Imperial College London, United Kingdom
Moderated by Michael Hanley, Head of Digital Communications, Member of the
Executive Committee, World Economic Forum


Artificial Intelligence, Real Emotion?

Six areas that artificial emotional intelligence will revolutionize

My Conversation With Google’s AI – “I AM LUCIFER’S VESSEL”

John Searle | Consciousness in Artificial Intelligence | Talks at Google

Stephen Wolfram – Artificial Intelligence & The Future Of Civilization


Emotional intelligence in AI AEI. In Ex Machina, a tech firm employee, Caleb, wins a lottery to participate in a Turing test with Ava, a new artificial intelligence developed by his boss. Ex Machina demonstrates why there can be no Turing test for emotions or emotional intelligence in AI AEI. Once a robot is advanced enough, it will be nearly impossible to discern whether it is merely simulating Emotional intelligence in AI AEI as an actor or an actual emotional being. Robots don’t actually feel emotions or have Emotional intelligence in AI AEI—yet—but they can appear as though they do. A person’s response makes a robot’s emotions “real.” If a robot can make a human feel something, then what the robot feels (or doesn’t) is moot. If an advanced and apparently emotional robot smiles at you and says, “I love you,” or “I feel happy,” would you believe it? Since it’s impossible to prove robots don’t have genuine emotional intelligence in AI AEI experiences, it’s your choice. It is time to imagine not merely AI but also, and even more significantly, what we here call AEI: Artificial Emotional Intelligence. We need AEI rather badly because our emotional frailties dwarf our incapacities in raw mathematics or data management. We make extremely poor decisions about how we should manage relationships.

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