Donald Trump: The Snake | An Ode to RADICAL ISLAM

Donald Trump an Ode to Radical Islam


Donald Trump | An Ode To Radical Islam

Published June 16, 2016

Donald Trump in an Ode to radical Islam is a powerful statement regarding welcoming radical Islam with open arms.  Questioning the motives behind open borders and asylum for the Middle Eastern refugee movement, this presentation takes a powerful look at the consequences of unbridled cultural diversity.  We are being told we must accept these people and their culture at the expense and ultimate destruction of our own.

Original song by Al Wilson  [LISTEN]:
RePost  Uploaded by Geoffrey Harper
Original source:


Original song by Al Wilson:  LISTEN
RePost  Uploaded by Geoffrey Harper
Original source:  Video

Donald TrumpAn Ode To Radical Islam is a powerful statement to welcoming radical Islam with open arms.  Donald Trump an Ode to Radical Islam, Questioning the motives behind open borders and asylum for the Middle Eastern refugee movement, this presentation takes a powerful look at the consequences of unbridled cultural diversity.  We are being told we must accept these people and their culture at the expense and destruction of our own. Donald Trump  An Ode To Radical Islam. This is a powerful statement to welcoming radical Islam with open arms.  Questioning the motives behind open borders and asylum for the Middle Eastern refugee movement, this presentation takes a powerful look at the consequences of unbridled cultural diversity.  We are being told we must accept these people and their culture at the expense and destruction of our own.

Donald Trump  An Ode To Radical Islam is a powerful statement to welcoming radical Islam with open arms.  Questioning the motives behind open borders and asylum for the Middle Eastern refugee movement, this presentation takes a powerful look at the consequences of unbridled cultural diversity.  We are being told we must accept these people and their culture at the expense and destruction of our own. Donald Trump  An Ode To Radical Islam.


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