ConCERNs About CERN | Opening Pandora’s Box

Concerns about CERN

Concerns About CERN

Concerns about CERN.

Many in the world’s scientific community are viewing the CERN project as a cartel of scientists who are working and experimenting on this illusive and somewhat dangerous technology.  Many scientists feel that the information being gathered by these ‘tests’ should be shared by other scientists of the world, if for nothing else, to come up with conclusions and assessments that are independent of those being put out by this closed community of scientists working on the CERN project.  If you set aside the fact that all we are being told about these ‘tests’ are coming out of he closed community of scientists working on CERN project, the fact remains that this elite group is working on a realm of physics that operates outside of what we know as ‘the standard model of physics’.  Many of the hypothesis surrounding these experiments are based on theory – theory based on the mechanics of the standard model of physics.  So, what could go wrong?


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Concerns about CERN should be and are being shared by scientists around the world. All we are being told is coming directly from the closed cartel of scientists working on the CERN project. Many in the world’s scientific community are viewing the CERN project as a cartel of scientists who are working and experimenting on this illusive and somewhat dangerous technology.  Many scientists feel that the information being gathered by these ‘tests’ should be shared by other scientists of the world, if for nothing else, to come up with conclusions and assessments that are independent of those being put out by this closed community of scientists working on the CERN project.  If you set aside the fact that all we are being told about these ‘tests’ are coming out of he closed community of scientists working on CERN project, the fact remains that this elite group is working on a realm of physics that operates outside of what we know as ‘the standard model of physics’. 

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