Changing the terrain for the benefit of government
Changing the terrain for the benefit of government
Changing Terrain for the Benefit of Government. The headquarters of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge (pictured above in 2008) were occupied by militias on January 2, 2016 and they are now working on Changing Terrain for the Benefit of Government. |
Makes one wonder now that the COUNTY name is on the sign what was the sheriff’s motive behind the team he chose to stand with could it have been Changing Terrain for the Benefit of Government? I mean it’s not like Bill and Hillary Clinton have EVER bribed anyone in their sordid past, they would NEVER stoop that low, or have they? The Clinton’s have been hard at work Changing Terrain for the Benefit of Government. Fascinating choice of words. Those words tell me that the resources of Harney county will be tapped out and this is the general headquarters. A little research into SEC filings turning over rocks and shell companies and we’re going to find the Clintons, some Mafia friends, Clintons Chinese partners and anyone else the Clinton’s can double cross to get HARNEY COUNTY RESOURCES into Changing Terrain for the Benefit of Government and into their well lined pockets. Makes one wonder now that the COUNTY name is on the sign what was the sheriff’s motive behind the team he chose to stand with could it have been Changing Terrain for the Benefit of Government? I mean it’s not like Bill and Hillary Clinton have EVER bribed anyone in their sordid past, they would NEVER stoop that low, or have they? The Clinton’s have been hard at work Changing Terrain for the Benefit of Government. Those words tell me that the resources of Harney county will be tapped out and this is the general headquarters. A little research into SEC filings turning over rocks and shell companies and we’re going to find the Clintons, some Mafia friends, Clintons Chinese partners and anyone else the Clinton’s can double cross to get HARNEY COUNTY RESOURCES into Changing Terrain for the Benefit of Government and into their well lined pockets.