Caravan To Midnight Episode 309: Jade Helm Decoded

Jade Helm Decoded

Jade Helm Decoded

Recorded May 2015

In Jade Helm Decoded, John B Wells & DJ of Level9News discuss the operation behind the Jade Helm exercise. You will learn the real nature of this program and the system roll out of the Jade II software. It is mapping the human domain in order to create human Terrain Maps in order to control the population through an autonomous AI system. This ‘testing’ is not new. It was used in the Middle East from 2011-2013. Now they want to test it on the American population to see how well these AI decision making systems can predict and pre-empt human based activity. Patriots will be deemed terrorists and terrorists – the Control System – will be deemed patriots to be protected at all costs!

Additional Info:

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Jade Helm Decoded. John B Wells & DJ of Level9News discuss the operation behind the Jade Helm exercise. You will learn the real nature of this program and the system roll out of the Jade II software. Jade Helm Decoded. It is mapping the human domain in order to create human Terrain Maps in order to control the population through an autonomous AI system. Jade Helm Decoded. This ‘testing’ is not new. It was used in the Middle East from 2011-2013. . Jade Helm Decoded. Now they want to test it on the American population to see how well these AI decision making systems can predict and pre-empt human based activity. Patriots will be deemed terrorists and terrorists – the Control System – will be deemed patriots to be protected at all costs! Jade Helm Decoded. Jade Helm Decoded. John B Wells & DJ of Level9News discuss the operation behind the Jade Helm exercise.  Jade Helm Decoded. John B Wells & DJ of Level9News discuss the operation behind the Jade Helm exercise.

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