BRAINS ON CHIPS | Hybrid Processors

brains on chips

Brains on Chips:  Integrating Human Brain Tissue Into Computer Chips

Brains on chips.


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Brains on chips. In the race to simulate the workings of the human brain by computers, scientists are now looking to embed brain cells of animals and humans on computer chips in order to try and recreate the neural pathways and synaptic connections that occur in biological brains. The human brain has a couple billion neurons with the ability or capacity of each neuron to make 10-100 thousand connections. This presents a new twist to the BMI [brain machine interface] approach of integrating biological brains with machines or Brains on chips.  In the race to simulate the workings of the human brain by computers, scientists are now looking to embed brain cells of animals and humans on computer chips in order to try and recreate the neural pathways and synaptic connections that occur in biological brains. The human brain has a couple billion neurons with the ability or capacity of each neuron to make 10-100 thousand connections. This presents a new twist to the BMI [brain machine interface] approach of integrating biological brains with machines or Brains on chips.


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