L9N on Guadalajara Geopolitics Institute Ep. 017 L9N on Guadalajara Geopolitics Institute Ep. 017. with Host HRVOJE MORIC Broadcast date: October 23, 2015 Discussing aspects…
World Meets America with Level9News Ep. 18 with Host William Kern World Meets America with Level9News Ep. 18. Spooks Liars and Mass Surveillance Published November…
Fukushima Fallout Much Worse Than Chernobyl Fukushima fallout much worse than Chernobyl. Published August 29, 2012 The ‘experts’ are reporting that Fukushima is anywhere from…
Obamacare Exchanges Hacked in Latest ACA Boondoggle Obamacare exchanges hacked. Published October 12, 2013 Obamacare exchanges hacked, applications disappearing, medical records going over unsecured networks…
Site Exploitation Planning and ABI “Mastering the Human Domain” Site exploitation planning and ABI Mastering the Human Domain. Site exploitation planning and ABI…
Legal Action Against Climate Engineering Legal action against climate engineering. Wholesale Planetary Climate Disruption Being Exposed Legal action against climate engineering has finally drawn the…