A Dire Warning From Yugoslavia To America | The Final Solution

A Dire Warning From Yugoslavia To America

A Dire Warning From Yugoslavia To America

Posted August 5, 2020
By:  Admin, Level9News

Listen to this woman describe how socialism ushered in communism in her country.  She presents a dire warning to America.  She explains how America is now following the exact same playbook. The parallels are chilling.  Here are some pertinent points she makes:       A dire warning from Yugoslavia to America.

“Stop attempting to have a fact or logic-based rational conversation. Stop explaining yourself. It’s useless. You’re wasting your precious time and energy. They have a playbook, and changing their mind is not part of it. Have you ever heard of ‘divide and conquer’?  That’s what is going on in the United States right now.”

“We didn’t realize who were the real enemies.  Your true enemies are not your fellow Americans. The ones who are, they want you to hate each other, and to kill each other, while they are taking away your constitutional rights, your freedom, and your country; your heritage, your way of life, and the future of your children.”      A dire warning from Yugoslavia to America.

This is how a despotic regime is ushered in.  History has shown us that socialism is the gateway to communism.  Please share this video.       A dire warning from Yugoslavia to America.

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