Paul Ryan’s Voting Record
Another Globalist Puppet
Paul Ryans voting record.
Paul Ryan’s voting record analysis absolutely vets him out for the globalist puppet he is. No doubt he’s a bright guy, but let’s see how he’s employing his knowledge to advance the agenda of the NWO in the following areas:
National Security, the Patriot Act and the NDAA
Military and Defense Spending and Government Expansion
Foreign Aid
Economic Stimulus and Foreign Trade
Legislation that promotes the redistribution of YOUR wealth, More Government expansion, legislation supporting the Globalists Agenda and other legislation that directly impacts all Americans
Those of us who have played by the rules set forth by our Republic have gotten ‘screwed’ over the last 50 years or more. They’ve rigged the game and your just along for the ride.
Research Links:
Paul Ryan knows something you don’t
List of countries by number of military and paramilitary personnel
U.S. Institute of Peace loses all federal funds under House spending plan
US representative voting records – Paul Ryan – Key Votes
Voting record analysis finds Ryan ‘most extreme’ VP nominee in a century
Paul Ryans voting record analysis absolutely vets him out for the globalist puppet he is. No doubt he’s a bright guy, but let’s see how he’s employing his knowledge to advance the agenda of the NWO. Review of Paul Ryans voting record exposes him for the fraud he is, just another globalist puppet. Paul Ryans voting record analysis absolutely vets him out for the globalist puppet he is. No doubt he’s a bright guy, but let’s see how he’s employing his knowledge to advance the agenda of the NWO. Review of Paul Ryans voting record exposes him for the fraud he is, just another globalist puppet. Paul Ryans voting record exposes him as a fraud.