Gold and Silver Mining Industry Collapse
Gold and silver mining industry collapse and takeover.
Prolonged Price Suppression Will Force Mining, Production & Distribution Into Receivership
A Gold and silver mining industry collapse could be on the horizon as price suppression continues. The mining industry in general, is one of the most costly endeavors with respect to cost vs. units produced. No manufacturing concern can continue to produce and sell in the market while having the price they can sell their product for dictated by a third party. As it stands, miners are having the price they can sell units of precious metals set below the cost of extraction, causing them borrow money needed to keep these mining companies afloat. This is a negative sum game for miners and a potential windfall for those entities that would pick these producing mines up for pennies on the dollar if forced into bankruptcy.
Research Links:
2011 Gold Silver hit all time highs
2011 Silver gold hit new records:
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A Gold and silver mining industry collapse could be on the horizon as price suppression continues. The mining industry in general, is one of the most costly endeavors with respect to cost vs. units produced. No manufacturing concern can continue too produce and sell in the market while having the price they can sell their product for dictated by a third party. As it stands, miners are having the price they can sell units of precious metals set below the cost of extraction, causing them borrow money needed to keep these mining companies afloat.